Wednesday, August 26, 2009

To the people of Greater Pot Province-

I am aware this blog has no purpose.

We must give it one.

For I am Erendira.

I can do whatever it takes to get this blog to the grand stands of wealth, fortune, and forest.

How will I do this?

Through sharp eyes, nose, ears,

and vaccination.

If you, like four thousand of your fellows, want to get out and be awesome.

This. is. the. blog. for. you.


RandomBurstOfSongSinger said...

Theeee Hilllsss Aaarrre Aliiive...
Withh Theee Soouund ooofff Music...

Eréndira said...

roooww roowww roowww youuurrr booat gennttlyy down theee ssssttttttttttttrrrrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaaammmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!